Efficiently utilise waste heat from all system elements
The company Georg Menshen GmbH & Co. KG produces and supplies plastic closures for bottles and bags. The planned conversion of the heating system in the production halls and offices is intended to contribute to sustainability. The core of the concept is the utilisation of waste heat from many elements in the overall system. By collecting measurement data from the heating system, the transport of thermal energy is assessed and can serve as a basis for further optimisation. (more…)
Automatic and dynamic hydraulic balancing
In circulating water heating systems, we use water as a storage and transport container for heat. But how much water is actually needed and how do you ensure the "right" amount of water in relation to the amount of heat transported, transferred or stored? In this article, we want to show that a thermostatic approach can solve this problem more easily (automatically) and better (dynamically). (more…)
Skihalle Neuss - Many thousands of euros saved
Baunach Solution approaches for a typical refurbishment case
Patchwork is probably an appropriate term for a large number of technical building equipment systems in Germany.
Conversions and expansion measures, especially in the service and commercial sector, force a few more pipes and actuators to be added to the installation diagram. The already hydraulic labyrinth becomes even more confusing with the additions and the resistances in the network grow. The usual quick fix when something no longer gets warm is to increase the boiler output. Typical example: Neuss ski hall. (more…)
Hydraulics made visible
Without alignment is like an orchestra without a conductor - A seminar in Arnsberg
The need for information in the SHK-The training sector is huge. Yet further training does not have to be packaged in a lavishly designed social evening. If the topic is the standard problem area - hydraulics - and a non-sales-oriented institution invites, such as a chamber of crafts or the new energy communities, the training hall fills up. If an experiment in the heating laboratory then confirms the theory, at the end the listeners ask the host almost expectantly: "What's your next topic?" (more…)
Well thought-out planning for low operating costs
Small investments open up great savings potential at Lebenshilfe Wohnwelten in Altdorf
When not only low construction costs, but also low operating costs are the focus of object planning, architects and planners must reveal their skills. This was the objective of the "Inclusive Housing Worlds" of the Lebenshilfe in the Nuremberg Region to fulfil. (more…)
A problem solved
Hydraulic balancing: The trick with return temperature limitation
Repeatedly demanded but rarely carried out professionally: Although hydraulic balancing is probably the most effective low-investment energy efficiency measure, it is usually only carried out half-heartedly, especially in the renovation of old buildings, because of the various unknowns. A completely new method, which impresses with both its simplicity and its effectiveness, has now passed its field tests for underfloor heating. Among others, in the house of a church energy consultant in Lower Franconia. (more…)
Heat recovery and distribution at optimum temperatures
"Just do it" and save 50 %
When commercial cooling, heating demand and conventionally installed systems coincide, it is usually a case of paying attention. Under certain circumstances, there is considerable potential for saving primary energy. This is what happened at the SPAR store in Reichraming near Steyr. The reward: the award of the 'Energy Globe Award Upper Austria' End of last year. (more…)
Save fittings, save assembly time
Oil heating with simplified heating hydraulics trimmed for efficiency
The standard version of the Baunach hydraulics regulates the return of a radiator circuit to the flow of a low-temperature underfloor heating system with energy efficiency, accurate to the degree and litre. The high-temperature side is the responsibility of the oil or gas boiler, which is operated on a sliding scale. The use of renewable energies, however, is associated with constant boiler water temperatures in most cases - and consequently an additional mixer for the radiators. A heating engineer therefore suggested an extension of the "rendeMIX" scheme. Baunach implemented the suggestion. How? The example of the Backnang heating centre explains it. (more…)
Multi-way mixing manifold keeps CHP in continuous operation
Heating modernisation for a car dealership with filling station and car wash: system hydraulics for different system temperatures, efficient condensing boiler utilisation and maximum CHP runtimes
Energy efficiency is generally understood to be aimed at saving energy costs. For facilities with a high year-round energy demand, energy efficiency can also consist of obtaining more usable energy from the same amount of fuel. One example is the comprehensive modernisation of the heating system for a car dealership with a petrol station, shop and car wash. The system implemented there achieves intelligent buffer management with return utilisation and condensing value optimisation through the use of multi-way mixing manifolds. A before-and-after comparison of the energy expenditure related to the amount of fuel shows how this affects the energy costs. (more…)
Sports facilities must not be a poor relation
Case study CHP-supported heating system German Table Tennis Centre
The individual and new heating technology components in the refurbished German Table Tennis Centre Düsseldorf Therefore, the emphasis on "innovative" is not appropriate because the components are several years past the stage of innovation: Condensing boiler and CHP systems are now state of the art and the multi-way mixer principle is becoming more and more widespread. What makes the installation in the DTTZ nevertheless worth reporting on is the location of the exemplary heat supply, namely in the sports facility, which is normally the poor relation in terms of heating technology, the intelligence of the device combination in terms of circuitry and its documented effectiveness. (more…)
Much more than a gunmetal fitting
Four-way mixer as decisive system integrator
It has been on the market for more than a decade, its benefits and economic efficiency are undisputed, but there is still a lack of widespread acceptance. Perhaps this is because the sophisticated control logic and mixing technology in the four-way mixer "rendeMIX" is a unique selling point. And therefore receives little attention in training and literature. The manufacturer has to take care of market penetration himself in courses and seminars. DKZ sat down at the school desk. (more…)
Doubled capacity with the same volume
The trick with hydraulics - Hertweck optimises existing and new buildings
Niedernhall in the Hohenlohe region of Baden-Württemberg is "verRendemixt", there's no other way to put it. Word-of-mouth propaganda is to blame. It is known to beat even the most sophisticated marketing strategies. "VerRendemixt" means: the special multi-way mixer turns the return flow of a radiator heating system into the flow of a low-temperature underfloor heating system in numerous properties, thus saving energy. But not only that. In the numerous woodchip and pellet boilers in the region, it loads and unloads the buffer storage tanks provided with an efficiency that virtually doubles their capacity. Why? (more…)
Increased profit
Renovation of heating technology using the example of Chemoplast NV
It is likely that the EU and Germany could Kyoto targets if all manufacturers regularly looked at their energy costs - and were able to classify them. Admittedly, the big ones do it, the medium-sized companies less so. Example: A German entrepreneur with a business in Belgium recently shook his head in surprise. The results of the renovation of his Cologne home had opened his eyes to what he had probably been giving away for years in Limburg, Flanders. (more…)
System hydraulics for high CHP running time
Heating with residual heat from the return flow
When modernising the heating system in a hotel property in Essen, the system hydraulics of the bivalent heating system were set up with a two-zone buffer management and the principle of return utilisation. This was made possible by the use of multi-way mixing manifolds for buffer charging and the supply of the heating circuits. Due to the system concept with optimised hydraulics between heat generation and distribution, the peak load boiler became a reserve heat generator, and the small CHP unit runs almost around the clock. (more…)
The better log firing system
More user comfort with multi-way mixers - oil tank to stratified storage tank
Sustainability of the triple kind: Michael Schmitz, owner of the Company Sanitär M. SchmitzRemagen, cut up a superfluous oil tank, welded it back together elsewhere in the boiler room and coupled it to the log boiler for its new function as a buffer storage tank. Firstly, he saved valuable resources. Furthermore, he installed two multi-way mixing devices between the buffer and the heat generator, which allow the tank to be operated as a pressureless stratified storage tank. Secondly, this saves the operators energy, and thirdly, the two-zone loading and unloading offers them a high degree of charging comfort. They no longer have to go to the boiler room every day. (more…)
Every litre of storage capacity is usable heat
Heating hydraulics with solar and large buffer tank, boiler return lift and four-circuit system with return utilisation
How much fuel can be effectively saved by using solar heat depends largely on the actual usable volume of the solar storage tank. It also becomes hydraulically demanding if the connected heating circuits operate at different system temperatures and the heat generator requires a return flow boost.
We did not want to waste a calorie
Visit to the Baden 'Haslenhof' and its heating-hydraulic feature
An authorised signatory says goodbye to his well-paid job, does what many dream of, namely becomes a farmer, but does not ignore his technical knowledge and therefore allows himself to be convinced by a connection of his wood boiler and collector system that is still considered unusual today. He invited people to visit.
It is not only the storage volume that matters
Investigation on existing heating system with buffer tank:
More buffer capacity with two-zone loading and unloading
The Institute for Building and Energy Systems at Biberach University of Applied Sciences, together with the manufacturer HG Baunach, investigated how the effective storage capacity can be optimised on an existing heating system with buffer storage. The subject of the study was a heating system in a six-family house owned by a SHK contractor. The effect of the loading and unloading behaviour on the usable heat quantity was investigated. The result is a significantly higher storage capacity after the buffer storage tank was converted to two-zone loading and unloading. (more…)
Minimum heat consumption with maximum comfort
How the energy patchwork "Alter Mühlhof" became an efficient system
A historic power generator in the Haunstetten district of Augsburg was no longer quite in keeping with the spirit of the times: Sustainable, yes, because it was driven by hydroelectric power, but still not productive enough because it frequently shut down due to excessive temperatures. And most of the heat was wasted, even though the house and swimming pool needed it. A Bobing-based crafts company restructured the heat utilisation with the help of the 'rendeMIX' mixing system. The success exceeded all expectations. (more…)
The jet principle - Regenerative solution for system separations in mixed circuits
Heat exchangers are often used, especially in renovation, to separate older diffusion-open underfloor heating from the rest of the system. This not only leads to the use of additional pumps, but usually also to a significant increase in return temperatures. Especially in solar and condensing systems, this considerably reduces the coverage rates and efficiency. A new technical approach promises to remedy this situation. (more…)
Intelligent mixing solves problems
"The system is worth every euro"
The Schweinfurt SHK Guild moved into a new association building in 2004. The new building in the Hainig industrial estate was to be an "energy-saving centre". On the one hand, they wanted to operate in an exemplary manner in terms of energy, and on the other hand, as many different technologies as possible were to be shown here. Everything was done with initiative and commitment, but there was one thing that annoyed guild manager Josef Bock: the storage tank, which is loaded with thermal energy from the heat pump, the pellet boiler and the solar system, was not stratified optimally. Good advice was expensive. (more…)
Heat used several times instead of simply being burnt
Heating modernisation from the hydraulic side: Gradual return utilisation in the heat distribution and two-zone charging and discharging for buffer tank
The main approach for the energy optimisation of the heating system in the branch of the SHK specialist wholesaler Richter + Frenzel in Schweinfurt was in the system hydraulics. There were heat surpluses in the existing system that could still be put to good use elsewhere. However, the question was how the heating water mass flows should get there. The optimisation of the system hydraulics was achieved through the interaction of multi-way mixing valves and a special distributor with an additional return chamber. The available surplus heat can thus be used in stages. At the same time, a more efficient charging strategy was found for the existing buffer storage tank, and the heat generators run continuously in condensing mode. (more…)
As good as expected
The special heating technology at Richter + Frenzel in Kassel has model character
The company's credo: "The future lies in innovative, modern technologies. We have to deal with them competently and pass on our knowledge to our clients - craftsmen, planners, architects. Of course, we can argue particularly convincingly if we have our own experience, for example with regard to the energy savings of old versus new." Markus Ortlauf, who says this, is a technical advisor to the wholesale company Richter + Frenzel. A year and a half ago, he had advocated an unusual heating installation in the wholesaler's Kassel property. The operating results after a good year have rewarded him and his company for the not entirely risk-free decision. (more…)
Solar thermal system and heat pump together provide reliable heat supply
In 2006, Friedrich Freß and his family fulfilled their dream of owning a single-family home in Maroldsweisach, Franconia. As a self-employed sanitary, heating and air-conditioning specialist, he attaches great importance to an efficient and environmentally friendly heat supply that suits his low-energy house. For this reason, he decided on a heat pump in combination with a solar thermal system: "This way, my house is heated completely with renewable energies," says Freß happily. With the help of the unique multi-way mixing manifold rMIX 3 x 3 L 35 of HG Baunach GmbH & Co. KG, both systems, which are completely different in terms of energy utilisation, work hand in hand and complement each other optimally. (more…)
Not off the peg
Model character: The heating technology at R + F in Kassel
The company's credo: "The future lies in innovative, modern technologies. We have to deal with these and pass on our knowledge to our clients - craftsmen, planners, architects. Of course, we can argue particularly convincingly if we have our own experience, for example with regard to the energy savings of old versus new." Markus Ortlauf, who says this, is technical advisor to the Wholesale house Richter + Frenzel. He had spoken out in favour of an unusual heating installation in the wholesaler's Kassel property. (more…)